Populations Overview
Populations and settings
Accessibility considerations
Alternative schools
Anxiety disorders
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
At-risk populations
Autism Spectrum (ASD)
Brain injuries (stroke, aneurysm, traumatic injury (TBI), etc.)
Cerebral Palsy (CP)
Cognitive decline associated with aging
Educational: preschool, K-12, college, senior adult learning, etc.
Gifted & talented
Deaf, Hard of Hearing (HoH), and other hearing impairments
Developmental delays and impairments (DD / DI)
General populations (entertainment and recreational settings without special needs).
Muscular Dystrophy (MD)
Incarcerated adults
Incarcerated youth
In-patient adults, youth, and children
In-patient and out-patient transition
Panic disorders
Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD)
Senior adults
Social skills development
Substance dependency rehabilitation
Social & agoraphobia
Toddlers (2+ years old)
Visually impaired, blindness, and others
Young adults
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