The mission of the RPG Research Project is...
Prior to 2006, approximately 80 studies were published related to participation in role playing games and their effects on participants. Since 2006, there has been a significant increase in related research from many disciplines...
It is hoped through the efforts of RPG Research that it will be possible to clearly define the specific causal therapeutic and educational aspects of participation in role playing gaming with the eventual possibility of developing effective educational and therapeutic modalities using role playing games.
There are many sub-projects contained in the overall RPG Project, from demographics gathering and case studies, to small shorter term research projects, building towards a larger body of data planned over the years of research efforts
The first stages of this project began in 1985, with an active revival in 2004 through interaction with various universities and organizations.
The effects of RPGs upon participants are influenced by many variables, including the RPG format: Tabletop, Live-action (LARP), Choose Your Own Adventure / Interactive Solo, and computer-based
Here are some snapshot photos from the RPG Research Project since 2004.
Over many years, the long term intention of RPG Research is to implement a series of studies using many different population groups meeting the following goals:
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