Co-location facility is moving my servers from one rackspace to another. This is taking place August 26th, around 6:00 pm (Pacific Time), so all sites and domain emails will be offline during that transition. you can still contact me via the gmail account and my cell of course. Thank you for your patience.
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I was asked via email, by Mark Lee of Charles Sturt University, Australia, to spread the word about their call for papers. Please take a look and spread the word to those you think might be interested.
Over the past few months, I've developed a little bit of a backlog on some of the TODO items for RPG Research, here is a short summary of the items I am hoping to catch up over the next few weeks...
I have learned a lot the past few weeks about something called the "Institutional Review Board" (IRB) process. Looking into different IRB options There is still a LOT more I am learning about the topic. As I progress through this, I thought I would keep some notes here on the experiences, both for future reference for myself, and as a heads up for others that might be running into similar challenges...
I will be at Spocon throughout the weekend in Spokane, Washington performing research...
Representatives from RPG Research will be at Spocon throughout the weekend in Spokane, Washington performing research, this August 9th through 11th.
RPG Research First Public Meeting, August 3rd 1:00 pm (Pacific) - The Role-Playing Gaming Research Project will be having their first public discussion meeting on the therapeutic and educational effects of role-playing games on participants. This will be both in-person, and simulcast live over the Internet from the Tolkien and gaming convention, TolkienMoot IX....
A tutorial for archivists on the process of moving content items from the old www2 site to the new w3 site
Just a quick update to let folks know where I am at on this project....
Just received the good news that I will be allowed to perform the gender-bias questionnaire at Spocon this year, August 9-11.
Just curious if folks would attend (on site and/or online) a monthly community discussion meeting group, if it was formed, discussing the therapeutic and educational aspects of role-playing gaming?
Dungeon's Master commentary on PBS short 7 minute documentary on D&D.
I had a recent question on Facebook about my posting: "Finished session 5 with RPG Preliminary Observation group 1, using Ea d20 RPG in a Tolkien Middle-earth setting." The question was from Sarah Lynne Bowman, author of The Functions of Role-playing Games: How Participants Create Community, Solve Problems and Explore Identity. She asked: "What's the research question/hypothesis?"
Far from official, but Timothe Loya on Facebook has stated he has been given approval for potentially using tabletop RPG's as a possible therapeutic treatment of PTSD veterans at his local VA hospital....
As we continue through the course on Recreation Therapy for People with Disabilities at Eastern Washington University, we have various assignments to write up hypothetical scenarios with hypothetical clients. This is one with several types of scenarios with hypothetical bipolar clients using tabletop role-playing gaming as the core activity. This is a high level overview, rather than a detailed activity analysis.
A new site - - dedicated to role-playing gamers (tabletop and LARP) in the greater Spokane and C'dA area.
These are some simple tips that if you are a game designer, you really might want to take into account for your next role-playing game design.
First in a series by Erik Mitchell on Role-Playing Games and the concept of "Bleed".
RPG Research's founder & president, Hawke Robinson, is going to be unavailable for several weeks, except for emergencies, from June 25th through July 20th, 2019. Please note the other contact options listed during his absence.
From 1983 through 2015 it was just Hawke working with other organizations. Then just about 2 years ago we were at just volunteer number 9, now we have hit 70! And it is looking very likely we may hit or exceed 100 before the end of the year! And spanning multiple continents!
As has been discussed in many of our weekly broadcasts, research meetings, talk shows, and board meetings, we haven't been happy with D&D 5e's introductory approach for people that have never role-played before. After years of experimentation, months of debate, and weeks of training, we're officially beginning the transition to use BECMI's Basic D&D as introduction to RPG instead of D&D 5e for ages 10+. For ages 4/5+ we're happily still using No Thank You Evil (NTYE).
Two years ago we were at volunteer number 10, as of December 4th we've hit 103!
Apologies for delays in responses, working feverishly on protocol documents for journal submission.
With less than 3% of the mainstream media and press reports providing even remotely positive coverage, it is not surprising that the general public has so many misconceptions about this cooperative recreational activity ...
12-year-old uses Dungeons and Dragons to help scientist dad with his research . The paper describing the results—delightfully entitled “Monsters are people too”...
This is a doctoral thesis by Christopher J. Dyszelski, Candidate for the Degree: Doctor of Philosophy. This study was a critical, archetypal, feminist ethnography and psychological inquiry into the experiences of women in tabletop role-playing gaming and its culture.
The public is welcomed to join Drop In and Role-Playing Game in Spokane Valley this January 4th, 2018, 4-7 pm Pacific Time on the corner of Pines and Sprague. Look for the wheelchair accessible RPG Bus (and possibly also the RPG trailer depending on weather).
Some have asked if it is possible for the Deaf community to participate in role-playing games. This is a short response.
This is a response to the recent WNYC article "Dungeons & Dragons Rolls Into the Classroom.
Notes for the shor, in case needed.
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