Hawke Robinson is founder and Primary Investigator for The RPG Research Project, and the creation of the RPG Trailer. Michael Tresca: "I've known Hawke Robinson, Washington State registered Recreation Therapist (#RE60526204) for some time but haven't gotten a chance to interview him before." This is part 1 of 3 parts to this interview...
Public Blogs
Another member of the documentary group VICE, as seen on HBO and online, has asked for another interview regarding Autism Spectrum and role-playing games.
Now that the 2,000+ blog postings are finished being copied over from the old site, I am now moving the hundreds of various research articles, abstracts, etc...
A brief video summary from Grognard Games about the various dice used in RPG...
Archived from the USA Today site in case it disappears - USA TODAY visits a class at Barnard College "Reacting to the Past" - Robert Deutsch and Jason Allen.
Among other activities, I am speaking on 3 panels, and have a poster presentation on "Super Science Saturday" at WorldCon 73 (Sasquan), August 19-23 in Spokane, Washington. For the poster, I have delivered the file to the printers to create an 8 foot by 4 foot poster summarizing my 10+ years (so far) of work on the RPG Research Project...
Most of my 5th edition books were stolen last night. 3x player handbooks, 1-2x DMGs, 1x Monster Manual.
As some of you are aware, the server was completely replaced some weeks ago, after months of preparation. I am still moving the content from the old server to the new one.
I ran the Serenity RPG for a while years ago, and we all enjoyed it very much. I was saddened when it they did not renew the license and make more content. Fast-forward a few years, and they produced the Firefly role-playing game. I recently finished running a group through it, and here are my thoughts overall about the differences...
The 73rd Annual WorldCon Science Fiction convention (aka Sasquan) has a separate gaming portion. The organizer John Welker has a fundraiser to help make the gaming experience at WorldCon the best possible. Please hurry and donate so he can cover the costs of special guests and events!
Two different groups requested my participation in WorldCon 73 (Sasquan) so as per request here is my short bio and schedule from August 19th to 23rd. I hope to see many of you there.
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