Founder and President of RPG Research. Published under W.A. Hawkes-Robinson.
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For three years in a row now, the sales of hobby games including tabletop role-playing games, have been experiencing a significant boom in sales growth, while the video game industry has been down year after year since 2010. Apparently equal to the Pokemon CCG boom of early 2000's, but spread across a broader range rather than a single product, the entire hobby and role-playing gaming industry is benefiting...
Activity Structure as Scaffolding for Children's Second Language Learning. Sociolinguistic Working Paper Number 100. Ervin-Tripp, Susan M.View Profile; Southwest Educational Development Lab., Austin, TX.. November 1982: 38
The Conclusion portion of Blackmon's report sums up the many possibilities that developing and establishing use of role-playing games for targeted therapeutic benefit may be able to provide for those in serious need:
Walton, William J. (1995, December). Role-playing games: their stigmas and benefits. Wilmington College. RPGs "are a harmless and occasionally beneficial mode of entertainment that has been misrepresented in the past." 29 pages.
Shared Storytelling: Utilizing Role-Playing Games In Social Skills Assessment and Intervention © 2003 James D. Persinger, Ph.D.
Role-playing gaming (RPGing) has its roots as far back as ancient history with the development of war-gaming. War-gaming is the simulation of combat strategies and tactics represented in reduced scale with various rules, often with some sort of randomizing agent such as dice or cards to add an element of “realistic” unpredictability. As long as there has been organized warfare, there appears to have been some form of war-gaming in every culture throughout history. Chess and the Chinese game Go both are very much based on war-gaming, but considered lacking by some because of the lack of unpredictability offered by “true” war-gaming using some degree of randomization. The RPG Research Project Document ID #RPGR-A001-A-20120927A-CC
Academic Exchange Quarterly Spring 2004 ISSN 1096-1453 Volume 8, Issue 1
by W.A. Hawkes-Robinson Original Version April 10, 2007 Updated for Creative Commons September 27th, 2012. RPG Research Project Document ID: #RPGR-A00002-D-20120927.CC
Other Minds Magazine Version - by W.A. Hawkes-Robinson
“Hands-On-Adventure” - (ASL signed role playing gaming) - Role-Playing Gaming Adapted for the Deaf Using - American Sign Language - by W.A. Hawkes-Robinson - (c) 2007 - Revised for Creative Commons 2012-10-01
By W.A. Hawkes-Robison Original Version 2008-11-20 Version 2 2008-12-06 Version 3 2011-12-09 Updated for Creative Commons License: 2012-09-29
by W.A. Hawkes-Robinson - Original Version 2008-12-10 - Revised 2011-12-06 - Revised for release under Creative Commons: 2012-09-30
Visual Communication Strategies in Interaction. Gestures in Fantasy Role-Playing Games. Alternate title: Visuelle Kommunikationsstrategien im Zusammenspiel. Gestik im Fantasy-Rollenspiel Herbrik, RegineView Profile; Rohl, Tobias. Sozialersinn: Zeitschrift fur hermeneutische Sozialforschung 2 (2008): 237-265.
From MMORPG to a Classroom Multiplayer Presential Role Playing Game Susaeta, Heinz; Jimenez, FelipeView Profile; Nussbaum, MiguelView Profile; Gajardo, Ignacio; Andreu, Juan JoseView Profile; et al. Educational Technology & Society13.3 (2010): 257-269.
Chapter 5 Playing with Ethics: Experiencing New Ways of Being in RPGs David Simkins University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA
A study on the goal value for massively multiplayer online role-playing games players Lin, Yu-Ling; Lin, Hong-Wen. Computers in Human Behavior27.6 (Nov 2011): 2153-2160.
Villalta, M. ; Gajardo, I. ; Nussbaum, M. ; Andreu, J.J. ; Echeverría, A. ; Plass, J.L. Computers & Education, 2011, Vol.57(3), pp.2039-2053 [Peer Reviewed Journal] SciVerse ScienceDirect Journals
This is an analysis of the report "ALIENATION AND THE GAME DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS" by Lisa A. Derenard and Linda Mannik Kline. Psychological Report, 1990, 66, 1219-1222. O Psychological Reports 1990. The Analysis and commentary on the report is written by W.A. Hawkes-Robinson.
Cached from their website. Not affiliated with RPG Research in any way..."If you are Christian and concerned about Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), or other role-playing games, here is a very useful FAQ from the Christian Gamers Guild that will help address all your concerns. "
“Hypothetical Therapeutic Recreation Program Plan for Clients with Traumatic Brain Injury Using Role-Playing Games as Therapy” Essay (short version) - INTERVENTIONS. March 11th, 2013. The RPG Research Project. by W.A. Hawkes-Robinson (c) 2013. Revised for Creative Commons License Release: March 31st, 2013.
Due to excessively strict NDA of the organization, I am very limited in what I can post, but letting those following the RPG Research, beginning working with autism-spectrum toddlers today from a recreation therapy approach, and developing an activity program that is LARP (Live-Action Role-Playing) quest-style for this population group, that we will actually implement in the next few weeks.
Rivers A1, Wickramasekera IE 2nd2, Pekala RJ3, Rivers JA4. Am J Clin Hypn. 2016 Jan;58(3):286-94. doi: 10.1080/00029157.2015.1103696.
VIDEO - Seattle Children's Hospital, Washington State Therapeutic Recreation Association (WSTRA) 16th Annual Conference, Presentation on - "The Therapeutic and Educational Uses of Role-Playing Games (RPG) as Intervention Modalities for Individuals and Groups from the Therapeutic Recreation Perspective" Certified by the American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA) for Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
It has been a VERY busy 10 months. we have spoken at many conventions/conferences, sat on panels, provided presentations, been in live Q&A chat session, and had many interviews. All about the effects of role-playing games, and their use to achieve therapeutic and educational goals for many different populations. Here is a listing of all these in one location for your convenience...

I have been mulling over an idea for about half a year now. And it solves a lot of logistics issues in trying to further the research on the effects of role-playing games. An RPG Trailer as a portable facility/office...

I have been mulling over an idea for about half a year now. And it solves a lot of logistics issues in trying to further the research on the effects of role-playing games. An RPG Trailer as a portable facility/office...
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